Thursday, 23 December 2010

1861 Census of Hurst

I have now completed this transcription and there is now everything from 1841-1871 in their entirety.

I have decided to leave 1881 for now as it is freely available anyway and have begun to 1891.

Part of ED 1 is already up there.

As usual the starting page for all of the censuses is:

I don't think that I shall get much else done before Christmas, so to all with an interest in Hurst

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year


Friday, 3 December 2010

Stockport Methodist Baptisms 1794-1838

Since my last posting, I've completed the transcription of the 2350 baptisms from the Stockport Methodist Register.

It's been a bind to do really, one I wish I'd never started being full of words with Superscript letters meaning far more time needed.

Still, it's complete now and available at:

The next posting of a Hurst Census will be posted this evening. I've now completed the transcript of 1861 ED 11.

Just need to convert it a web page


Monday, 1 November 2010

Zakinthos British Cemetery

Well the long nights are here now and so I should find a bit more time for transcriptions. Since the last update, I have added the residents of the British Cemetery at Zakinthos or Zante It's available on I understand that there are cemeteries on Cerigo, Ithaca and Paxos as well as Corfu but I have not been able to visit these. Any transcriptions would be welcome Antony

Tuesday, 26 October 2010

Kefalonia British Cemetery

Since my last update, I've been quite busy.

A couple of weeks' holiday and since my return, I have re designed the web pages conatining the residents, if that's the right word of the British Cemetery in Kefalonia.

All the entries now have a photograph and a transcription.

Accessible from the cemetery homepage:

Hope you enjoy looking


Wednesday, 15 September 2010

1851 Census of Hurst

I have now completed this census in full.

It's available on

Hope it helps somebody


Sunday, 29 August 2010

1851 Cenus of Hurst

Well, another week, another enumeration district.

That's 1L and 1N done. 1M 1O and 1P still to go.

As ever it's accesible via


Friday, 20 August 2010

1851 Census of Hurst

The first of the five enumeration districts is now complete and posted to the Hurst Pages. and click on the picture.

As time allows the others will be there in due course


Wednesday, 18 August 2010

1911 Census of the Workhouse

This census is now fully transcribed and with the Infirmary there were about 1100 folk there altogether.

I shall now begin my next project which is the 1851 census of Hurst

As usual all censuses can be found at and then a click on the relevant census is needed

Good Luck


Wednesday, 28 July 2010

1901 Census of the Workhouse

It's been a while but having had three weeks' holiday it was almost mid July before I could start this one.

Almost 1000 residents of the Workhouse are now transcribed and available on

I shall now begin the nest 1000 who were there in 1911

Good Luck to all


Tuesday, 8 June 2010

Certificates Holidays

I shall be on my annual holiday from 17th June to 5th July 2010.

Orders submitted prior to 17th June will be actioned on a best endeavours basis. Whilst I shall do my best, I can't promise that they'll be back before I go.

Orders received after 16th June will be actioned on my return.

Thanks for being understanding


7th June 2010 Workhouse Censuses

The Workhouse censuses are now complete from 1841-1891 on my web pages.

I do hope someone finds them of interest.

1901 & 1911 will not be completed before my holiday


Friday, 21 May 2010

21st May: Ashton Under Lyne Barracks

These census entries are now complete for 1851-1911.

They are available at

My next project is the Workhouse in Ashton Under Lyne

So far 1841, 1851 & 1871 are available. In 1861 the enumerator used just the initials of the residents !!


21st May 2010; Back to Normal

The ONS are now claiming to be back to normal.

Only time will tell of course, but hopefully certificates should now start to arrive within the ususal five days.

Let's hope for the best


Monday, 10 May 2010

10th May 2010: Ashton Under Lyne Barracks Censuses

I've started another section on the Hurst web site;

The censuses for the Barracks on Mossley Road. So far 1851-1891 are done though not 1881 as it's already up there for free on the LDS site.

There is no 1841 census though as it wasn't built till 1843 !

I guess a month should see the completion of 1901 and 1911. is the web page.

Hopefully someone will find this useful


10th May 2010 Another Week On:- No progress

Still no progress on the waiting time for certificates I'm afraid.

The ONS are still quoting 12 working days yet hope to be back to normal from next week !

Believe it when it actually happens.

Friday, 30 April 2010

At last;- an improvement 30th April

Well we have finally seen a reduction in the extended timeframe from the ONS for issuing certificates.

From a quoted 5 to 10 days delay we have a revised delay now of 7 working days.

That's still ten days in real terms and with a Bank Holiday on Monday that doesn't help but it's a start I suppose.

Wednesday, 21 April 2010

From Bad to Worse: 21st April 2010

So much for the optimism on 6th April when we thought that the delays would begin to ease.

The ONS are now saying it will be another four weeks !! Yes 17th May before the ordering system will be back to normal as they just cannot cope.

When will they ever begin to care about their customers ? The service they provide is consistently poor and customer care appears to be non existant.

Oh well roll on summer when we'll see how they did with their latest prediction.

Tuesday, 13 April 2010

13th April 2010: Further ONS Delays

The ONS Website has changed this morning and sadly for the worse.

They are now saying that they are taking ten days to issue certificates ordered before the price increase.

With the Easter holidays included in this period, that's almost three weeks for certificates to come through.

Oh well, patience is a virtue they say and our ancestors are going anywhere; but it is frustrating !!!


Sunday, 11 April 2010

11th April 2010: Ongoing Certificate Delays

Just an update really.

Certificates that were ordered on 28th March were received yesterday.

So there is still about a week's worth of pre-price increase orders to be cleared before the backlog is dealt with and things begin to get back to normal.

Local Offices are inundated too. In the three days before the increase the LRS at Preston had over a 1000 applications for certificates !

Glad I don't work there at the moment !

Back to normal soon I hope


Monday, 5 April 2010

Additional Services from C5D

Just a note to let you all know that with immediate effect, my service has been expanded to include Scotland and Ireland.

The relevant pages are:

Full details of each service are on the relevant page.


Sunday, 4 April 2010

Certificate Delays

Certificates go up in price after tomorrow and the mad rush which has seen the ONS running three or four days behind schedule should begin to ease off.

Things should be back to normal by the end of the week I suppose.

I guess that it will be quiet for a while as everyone who wanted certificates at present will have ordered them at the old price.

The only consolation that I can see in this increase is that because Gordon has allowed the value of the pound to collapse, for overseas people, they'll be paying about the same as they did this time last year.

Thirteen years ago Gordon married Prudence. Looks like the decree absolute has been granted on grounds of incompatibility (;-)))

4th April 2010

Tomorrow is the last day to order certificates at the old price of £10.60.

From Tuesday 6th April, certificates will cost £12.95.

Much less than charge or most of the other major suppliers.

From this date the option of checking points has been removed. Certificates purchased from the ONS have to be taken on an "as they come" basis.

Some local register offices will continue to offer this service but not all.

I'm guessing that as usual London offices will not do as they usually are not very genealogically friendly. Most other offices probably will.

5th March 2010

I have just heard the certificate prices are to increase by £2.25 from the beginning of April.

Postage in the UK goes up at the same time.